Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Second Degree Murder

Reuters reports that George Zimmerman has finally been arrested.   He is charged with 2nd Degree Murder. 

Live press conference going on now, via the Washington Post, viewable here. Jonathan Capeheart briefly reviews the story again.

Reverand Al Sharpton is stating at the news conference, "This is not a night for celebration.  This is a night that never should have happened."


Live coverage no longer available at link.  Below, a couple of youtube segments of the press conference.  First, Trayvon's courageous parents - Sybrina Fulton who expresses her feelings of appreciation, saying that people's hearts have touched, and, "The heart has no color," and Traci Martin, who states, "As Attorney Crump said, 'This is just the beginning.'  We've got a long way to go and we have faith.  The first time we marched, I just looked to the sky and I told myself, 'When I walk, I will walk by faith.'  And we will continue to walk by faith.  We will continue to hold hands on this journey - white, black, Hispanic, Latino - we will continue to walk - we will march and march and march and march - until the right thing is done."

The second video is a PBS recording of the special prosecutor's extended press statement. The prosecutor declines to disclose details around the investigation or how they arrived at charges, stating, "That is why we try cases in courts."

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